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Writing for Pleasure

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

A photo of Elizabeth wearing a white t-shirt.

I’ve never considered myself to be a writer, and some of you reading my blog may agree with me!  Being a reader has never transferred to writing.  I decided to start writing this blog because I wanted to talk about the things that are important to me, to give you a glimpse of the person who co-owns this small business.

Mr L has always written, whether that’s journals, a diary, English resources or a novel – he has written two books!  I don’t have a creative mind, so where those ideas come from is a mystery to me.  Our daughter writes.  She has had a poem published and wrote a short play as part of a director’s project at her youth theatre.  It meant so much to her to have her work shown to an audience.

You will be familiar with Rosie - our daughter’s oldest friend and my Fantasy Romance book consultant!  Her love of reading has translated into a love of writing.  Once an idea pops into her head, onto paper (or computer) it goes!

So I was surprised to read the findings of a recent research report into Children and Young People’s Writing by the National Literacy Trust.

Key findings include –

Fewer that 3 in 10 (28.7%) children and young people aged 8-18 say they enjoy writing in their free time – the lowest levels recorded by the National Literacy Trust.

Only 1 in 9 (11.1%) children and young people told the National Literacy Trust that they wrote something daily in their free time, halving from last year.

However, it’s not all bad news –

While children’s enjoyment of writing at home is in decline, the opposite is true of their enjoyment of writing at school.  More than half (53.6%) of children and young people enjoy the writing they do at school, a 22% uplift in the past year.

We’ve long known the benefits of reading and the same can be said of writing.  It supports mental wellbeing, inspires creativity, helps children and young people to express their feelings and makes better communicators.  Good writing can help us explore new ideas and transfers into every area of our lives.

Writing this blog gives me a lot of pleasure; so if I can pluck up the courage to write, then perhaps you could.  It doesn’t have to be formal or any particular style, just your thoughts, opinions or something that interests you.  It could be good for you.


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